
Akiko Nakatani
Realization of goals with bone conduction (with the significance of the “heart”…)
In this modern age, it is no longer a surprise that the attention-drawing
bone conduction is the new sound transmission technology for various sectors.
It has attracted much attention as a user friendly technology especially
for enjoying music with its features such as less stress for the ears because
it lessen burden to the eardrums and what is more, having normal
communication while listening to your favorite music is not a problem anymore
because it does not cover the ears.
We have and always will be moving towards great aspirations and setting
our goal to the designing, developing, producing as well as marketing of
bone conduction oscillators based on our philosophy to create products that
could bring happiness to peoples’ life and contribute to society.
With the unlimited potential of bone conduction,
we are always stepping ahead not only in Japan but also expanding
to around the world bearing in our mind, the ambition of making
contributions to more people in the society with appreciation to each and every individual.
We believe that in any aspect, the human “heart” alone could change the world…